Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My articles-Published and Quoted:

1. All India Bar Examination-Facts Reality and Law, Amity Law Review Vol 7, (Nos 1 & 2), July-December 2011 page 31.
2. Unit linked insurance products (ULIP) and Regulatory Tangle, (2011) PL February S-12
3. Regulation of Financial Derivatives: Some Policy Considerations- IUP Law Review July 2011(IUPLR21107)(web link:
I am quoted in:
1.Prof John Flood "Legal Education in the Global Context",, & also in two articles: “Global Legal Education and India—A Blueprint for Raising Indian Legal Education to Global Standards” & All India Bar Examination—Facts, Reality and Law)
2. A K M AZAM CHOWDHURY, "MILITARY STRATEGY OF BANGLADESH TO COUNTER TERRORISM IN NEAR FUTURE", my article: Police Structure: A Comparative Study of Policing Models)
3.Farrukh B Hakeem et al, "Policing Muslim Communities-Comparative International Context" Springer, New York, 2012( my article: Police Structure: A Comparative Study of Policing Models).
4. Nabil Quassini, Arvind Verma, “Policing Minorities in the Arab World”, Springer, 2012(Quotes my article: Police Structure: A Comparative Study of Policing Models)
5. Portal of the Chamber of Deputies, Brazil, my article: Police Structure: A Comparative Study of Policing Models, in Comparative legislation section).
6.Also quoted as an online resource for CMRJ506 International Crime in
8. Routledge Handbook of Transnational Organized Crime  edited by Felia Allum, Stan Gilmour.
9. "Corporate Crimes Committed During the Phase of

S. 164 Cr.P.C. and Some Challenges

  S. 164 (1) -Note . S. 164 Cr.P.C reads as follows: "(1) Any Metropolitan Magistrate or Judicial Magistrate may, whether or not...